Title Page IT by Leonardo Boselli

Version 2

"Fornisce un pannello introduttivo al gioco, con un menù, la possibilità di caricare e ricominciare, una citazione e (in Glulx) una figura. Semplicemente tradotto dall'originale."


* indicates included extension uses authorial modesty

Copy Include Title Page IT by Leonardo Boselli to clipboard Include Title Page IT by Leonardo Boselli.
Vedi la documentazione originale in Version 2 of Title Page by Jon Ingold.
Version 2 of Title Page IT by Leonardo Boselli begins here.

"Fornisce un pannello introduttivo al gioco, con un menù, la possibilità di caricare e ricominciare, una citazione e (in Glulx) una figura. Semplicemente tradotto dall'originale."

"basato su Version 2 of Title Page by Jon Ingold."

section 1 - inclusions

Include Menus IT by Leonardo Boselli.
Include Basic Screen Effects by Emily Short.

section 2 - definitions

[The quotation is some text that varies. The quotation is "[story headline]".]

To say quotation: say story headline.

The intro menu is a table-name that varies. [The intro menu is the Table of Sample Options.]

To centre (t - an indexed text), bold or italic:
   let N be the number of characters in T;
   say spaces to centre N;
   if bold, say bold type;
   if italic, say italic type;
   say T;
   say roman type.

To say spaces to centre (n - a number) -- running on:
(- print "^"; spaces (((VM_ScreenWidth() - {n})/2)-1);

Section 3 - cover art (for Glulx only)


To display (chosen figure - a figure-name) centered:
   say roman type; say " ";
   display chosen figure inline;
   say " [line break]";
   say roman type;
To display (chosen figure - a figure-name) inline:
   (- DrawInline({chosen figure}); -)

Include (-
[ DrawInline N;
   glk_image_draw(gg_mainwin, ResourceIDsOfFigures-->N, imagealign_InlineUp, 0);

[Include Glulx Image Centering by Emily Short.]

Figure opening figure is the file "Cover.jpg".
To display art if appropriate:
   display figure opening figure centered;

Section 3b - no cover art (for Z-machine only)

To display art if appropriate: do nothing.

Section 4a - title screen rule

TITLEPAGE-DISPLAY-ART is a truth state that varies. TITLEPAGE-DISPLAY-ART is true;

The first when play begins rule (this is the title screen rule):
while true is true begin;
   clear the screen;
   redraw status line;
   say "[line break] [bold type][story title][roman type]";
   [centre "[story title]", bold;]
   say "[line break] di [story author]";
   [centre " di [story author]";]
   say paragraph break;
   if TITLEPAGE-DISPLAY-ART is true begin;
     display art if appropriate;
     say line break;
   end if;
   say fixed letter spacing;
   say " [quotation]";
   [centre "[quotation]", italic;]
   say roman type;
   say paragraph break;
   say fixed letter spacing;
   say " M : Mostra il menù d[']aiuto[line break]";
   say " (SPAZIO): Inizia la storia dall[']inizio[line break]";
   say " R : Continua una storia salvata[line break]";
   say " Q : Esci[line break]";
   say variable letter spacing;
   let k be 0;
   while k is 0 begin;
     let k be the chosen letter;
   end while;
   if k is 13 or k is 31 or k is 32 begin;
     clear the screen;
     redraw status line;
     make no decision;
   otherwise if k is 113 or k is 81;
     stop game abruptly;
   otherwise if k is 82 or k is 114;
     follow the restore the game rule;
   otherwise if k is 109 or k is 77;
     now the current menu is the intro menu;
     carry out the displaying activity;
   end if;
   say "Premi SPAZIO per continuare.";
   wait for SPACE key;
end while;

Title Page IT ends here.